Jaimie is a lens based interdisciplinary artist.  Her work is rooted in place in a spiritual way within the natural world. She explores different themes but the ideas throughout are connection to the universal through nostalgic appeal to a place. There is a comforting solidarity and peaceful longing about the past and a photograph is already in the past.  Currently exploring  digital with edited and some composited images, she prints the images on archival papers, then further manipulates with hand-coloring, painting, and sometimes encaustics.  The results are often described as ethereal.

Jaimie has a long use photography of traditional film and silver gelatin, Cyanotype, Van Dyke, Photograms, photo manipulations, infrared,  and other alternative processes.  As a fine art major, she began exploring hand tinting, coloring, and painting of photographs with oils, pencils, and water based media while at the university.  She used 35 mm, 2 1/4 x 21/4, and toy cameras.

Her work is archival; made with materials for longevity.  She has been in many galleries, press, and venues.  Pieces are in private, public, and corporate collections.


There are portals to step through to a dreaming place in another reality, another space and time.  It’s a romantic, sometimes terrifying, yet picturesque space of a semi-reality with a comforting fluidity connecting the past and the present, a nostalgic place.  With strong emphasis on the spiritual and tied into the earth; this in-between place is an aesthetic journey through discovery. The Otherworld may surround you but remain unseen. Through the vastness of nature there are glimpses into an ideal that can be  explored by studying the cultures, and the mythology of beliefs, stories, places, and wonders.  It has many names.  It’s an elusive place reached through different means. There are thin places where the veil to this place can be lifted and is accessible. The Otherworld is a such a place and is hidden behind and beyond the surface.