Ginger Goekjian is an untrained photographer who took her first photos at the age of 55 at the encouragement of her husband, Karekin, himself a photographer. She was born in 1954 in South Carolina and worked for over thirty years in science at the University of Georgia to help support the family. When Karekin put a camera in her hands he opened a whole new world for her, one that she continues to explore with curiosity, love and delight. She and Karekin currently live on Sapelo Island, Georgia.


The photograph of Dean Creek was taken on Sapelo Island, GA. It was taken at night and is one of my earlier photos since I began taking pictures at night before I expanded into daytime imagery. Dean Creek is a tidal creek flowing in and out of an area of marsh on the island called the Salt Pond by the locals. It’s a favorite fishing spot and is a vibrant place for meeting up with friends as well as serving as an artery of life and connection between the marsh and the ocean.