Prices do not include shipping and handling (if I print them) or tax.

Metal prints are available, buyer should inquire for price.

A 33-year career in pediatric cardiology taught me that images can, in fact, save lives. It’s my belief that pictures can make us happy, can put us in touch with the world we live in, and enrich us. I try to make images that lift the viewer up, that show relationships in nature, whether those are scenic, or the detailed personal daily lives of animals and their families.  I enjoy conveying movement and action in my photography whether it’s landscape or wildlife or tiny subjects.  And, admittedly, I’m crazy about color, something I learned from studying paintings. Over the years, I have gained friendship and perspectives by photographing alongside some fellow-spirited talented photographers.  This fellowship of the lens broadens our view.



I am a native of Nashville, TN, living in Georgia. My original background in photography was medical/scientific imaging.  I’m a survivor of graduate school, med school, residency, fellowship, and a long career in academic medicine. I’ve had the great fortune to travel extensively as a clinician and teacher, and I take a camera on those trips, all over the world.  This gives me an opportunity to study wildlife and habitats and observe the great variety of life on the earth and the amazing way all animals, including people, adapt and survive. I always feel a connection with the subjects I photograph, and I love transmitting that to the folks who view my pictures.  My photographs have won awards in state, regional, national contests, and juried exhibits, and some of them have been published. For many years I’ve participated in the Healing Artist Program at the Medical College of Georgia exhibiting photographs for patients, families, and hospital staff to view and, maybe to provide a few moments of joy to folks in stressful situations. So, my journey into nature photography continues, with the help and support of my wife, son, and daughter who inspire and improve my images.